Well, over the weekend, weather.com started showing the long term forecast for April 8th, and unfortunately it’s not looking good. That said, given that they haven’t been able to accurately predict our weather here eight hours ahead of time, I’m hopeful that they’re way off here. The forecast has been changing significantly every time we look at it, varying from partly cloudy with a 25% chance of rain to up over 50% then back down to 25% and now at 32% chance of morning showers. We’ll keep praying that will change significantly, but right now it is likely to be a disappointing event here in Central Texas. Things aren’t looking much better, anywhere along the line in Texas, although down at Uvalde they’re saying partly cloudy. We’ll keep praying for better weather and keep preparing for the day. If everyone can join in this Easter weekend, I’m sure we can have a miracle!
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