Thanks for Your Support!


Donations are welcome for those who wish to do so, but please don’t feel obligated.  There are other ways you can help out that won’t cost you a cent.  Please read below.



People at star parties have been asking me if I sell my pictures or where they can buy them, how much I charge to host a party, and the like, and for the most part I don’t charge for any of the images here, nor for the public star parties I do at locations like TXMOST.  I’m doing this just because I enjoy the public outreach and helping children young and old experience the joy of astronomy and science in general.  Whether they’re a child of six or sixty, that “WOW!” the first time someone sees Saturn or Jupiter is a pretty nice reward.  Of course I don’t get that experience from my visitors to the website, unless you leave a comment, so at a minimum, at least sign the guest book and let me know you were here!

That said, running the website isn’t free, and the business cards I hand out to help you find this site aren’t either.  Thus, if you want to help defray the cost, I’m not going to object, and anything you feel is worthwhile is appreciated.  You might start by just clicking an ad or two if they interest you.  It’s only a penny or two, but they can add up.  Better yet, if you see and ad you’re interested in and buy the product, that generally earns a bit more.  If you’d like to make a more direct contribution, I’m setting up this item in the store to let you do so.  I’m setting the price at one dollar and then you can use the quantity to determine the total amount of your donation.  And of course if you’re interested in anything else in my store, that is also welcome, although I’m trying to keep those prices at a level just enough to cover the cost and effort involved in printing and shipping something out.  I’m not hoping to get rich off of them!

Again, I don’t want anyone to feel obligated to make any donation.  This option is just here for those who might wish to show their appreciation.  My thanks to those who do.



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