I finally gave in and started my own YouTube channel for various videos I’ve been putting together. While I’ve typically done photographic records that I could come back and document with text, I found I wasn’t doing that very often, even though I had tons of pictures available. Since the public trend is toward video “how-to” guides, with the recent purchase of a large 3D printer kit that was not documented properly at release, I decided to try my hand at video logs instead of just photographic logs. They may be a bit rough, and editing still takes just as long as documenting a bunch of photos, but they’re a start. The only downside is that my photographic documentation of some of these projects has suffered due to the concentration on video.
At any rate, I’ve set up my YouTube channel at the previous link and moved a couple of my astronomy videos there, along with other videos on the 3D printer and other topics. I’ll probably still upload appropriate videos here in parallel, but please take a look and subscribe if you’re interested.