Orion Ranch Observatory Website Guestbook

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40 entries.
Jim Starek Jim Starek from Boerne wrote on January 17, 2025 at 10:45 PM
I'm at the start of the Hill Country over in Boerne. I found you Observatory from one of your posts in Cloudy Nights. I am just starting to look everything over.
Thanks for the webpage.
Admin Reply by: Michael Foegelle
Welcome! Hope you find something useful here.
Dave Rennie Dave Rennie from Maple Ridge, BC, Canada wrote on January 13, 2025 at 3:45 PM
Struggling with a number of issues with my CPC 1100HD and am very grateful to you for any advice you might be able to offer. Looking forward to having a look round your site!
Admin Reply by: Michael Foegelle
Happy to help if I can. Hope you find something useful here.
Dave Waddington Dave Waddington from Vancouver area, Canada wrote on November 15, 2024 at 2:03 PM
Hi! Just trying to learn more about the CPC fork mount, so I am checking out your website!
Dwight Davis Dwight Davis from Warner Robins GA wrote on November 4, 2024 at 2:20 PM
Enjoyed visiting the site. Great equipment setup and pics.
Michael Gemmell Michael Gemmell from Cathedral City/Rancho Mirage Library & Observatory wrote on September 5, 2024 at 5:43 PM
Our City Astronomer, Eric McLaughlin, asked us to visit your website for information about cleaning Green’s azimuth bearing.
Jim Long Jim Long from Tucson wrote on July 7, 2024 at 5:44 PM
Thanks for putting this up. I have an older 9.25 of a vintage I'm unsure about (The hand controller is a Nextstar* not a Nextstar+) anyway, I bought it for the OTA which is carbon fiber! and beautiful. On the bottom of the arms are 4 huge phillips head screws, I have to get a screwdriver upgrade!
Stephen kaiser Stephen kaiser from Flower mound wrote on February 20, 2024 at 8:12 AM
Hi Michael
Not sure if you still watch for postings on your guest book here.
Trying to get in imaging with this crazy weather is a real challenge. Clouds and wind are making it rough. I’m working on my solar imaging skills, getting ready for the eclipse . Will send you regular email.
Take care
Dave Dave from Stuart, Florida wrote on June 14, 2023 at 1:29 PM
Thanks for posting blog. As I look around, hope to find tidbits on optimizing my new CPC1100 HD for planet photography. It augments my trusty EQ mounted C8. No prior alt/az experience, undecided on purchase of a wedge, but having fun with the mount. Field rotation is manageable.

Primary concern is that the CPC tracking is not great at f/20 with small sensor planet camera in place, and no clear guidance on how to improve. CPC adjustment secrets? Skip the wedge and go straight to EQ mount? A fool's errand?

All the Best!
Dave Stokes
Admin Reply by: Michael Foegelle
Hi Dave,

Sorry for the delayed reply. At the end of the day, you'll probably be happier with a good equatorial mount if you're going to get into astrophotography, but then again, you'll probably do more imaging with a piggyback refractor to get the wide fields. I see you already have a C8 on an EQ mount, so the C11 will just increase your light capture. It would also make a great Fastar OTA, but I haven't made that jump yet either. (ALMOST did for a used system at a steal a month or so ago, but I really didn't need another project!)

However, planetary imaging is always a challenge, especially if you're trying to push the magnification beyond your seeing (which I always want to do!). For planetary, it's critical to have a high speed sampling rate (i.e. > 100 frames/second) so that you can capture thousands of frames quickly. Then field rotation won't matter. It's then up to your post processing software to find and stack the best frames from your frame collection of mostly garbage! =)

Hope that helps,

R Nichols R Nichols wrote on May 18, 2023 at 11:42 AM
Cool stuff Michael! Nice pics. And I agree....the travel & hassle to get to the last solar eclipse was worth it.
Steve kaiser Steve kaiser from Dallas wrote on May 4, 2023 at 12:26 PM
Hi Michael
Hope you’re getting the new house and pool finished off so you can get back to the fun Astronomy stuff. Im sure you’ve noticed the weather has been against us lately. I’ve managed a few days with my Lunt 60 mm but not much in evenings. I did get lucky and was able to stay at padre island long enough to see the latest star ship launch.wow. Take care
Michiels Michiels from rang du fliers wrote on March 31, 2023 at 4:43 AM
Nice site !
Nick G Nick G from Boyds, MD wrote on March 4, 2023 at 1:27 PM
got here from Cloudy Nights
Peter Nosal Peter Nosal from Zvolen, Slovakia wrote on February 3, 2023 at 10:10 PM
Hello, since my All Sky camera model was suffering from condensation inside the dome, I searched the web for inspiration. That's how I came across your website. I really like your concept of the new All Sky camera, I think it elegantly solves the previously mentioned moisture condensation. Thank you for sharing it. I think it is very useful for people like me. I would also like to ask if you still have 3D models of the parts, as I am not very skilled in 3D drawing.
Lawrence Wolnik Lawrence Wolnik from Safety Harbor wrote on January 7, 2023 at 9:13 PM
New to astronomy
Freddy Michiels Freddy Michiels from Rang du Fliers wrote on December 20, 2022 at 1:21 PM
Just visiting
Nik Wolnik Nik Wolnik from Safety Harbor Flirida wrote on November 24, 2022 at 11:17 AM
Just visiting
John Prudente John Prudente from THE VILLAGES wrote on October 4, 2022 at 1:15 PM
Clear skys!
Cheryl R. Radford Cheryl R. Radford from PIEDMONT MO wrote on August 9, 2022 at 12:38 PM
Thanks so much for the part for our dozer, couldn't get one anywhere.
Graham Lewis Graham Lewis from Auckland wrote on July 6, 2022 at 3:40 AM
Thanks all Im looking for A GPS replacement for my Nexstar 8" CPC
Admin Reply by: Michael Foegelle
Check out this thread on Cloudy Nights. https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/567421-homebrew-celestron-compatible-gps/

If you can handle a soldering iron or find someone locally who can, you can do this pretty cheap. I'd offer to help, but I'm getting ready to move so don't have time to work on this sort of thing at the moment. Shipping to New Zealand would probably be prohibitive anyway.


Stanley Schlieper Stanley Schlieper from Surprise, AZ, USA wrote on April 7, 2022 at 6:24 PM
Received my Delta Leg Spreader today. I ordered it for one of my CG5 tripods and it fit perfectly. I knew that it would because I swap the spreaders of my Celestron SE, CG5, AVX, and CGEM mounts all the time. They all use the same spreader regardless of leg diameter. I was a little worried about it being strong enough to really tighten it down for the best mount stability, but it seems to be more than strong enough!

Admin Reply by: Michael Foegelle
Glad it worked for you! They're surprisingly tough. Had one user actually break the casting on his mount from overtightening. That was a defect in the casting and would have happened with the stock spreader too, but still shows how tough they are! (And a good lesson not to over tighten!)